Self development is a relatively new concept within the last few years, in particular on social media. You might be finding yourself seeing things like gratitude, manifesting, journaling, self-care and wondering how to implement it into your own life. Look no further, I have put together a simple list of ways that you can start a self development journey if you’re a complete beginner, filled with other resources to help and support your journey.
Self development is not limited to your mind, it can also encompass your health and well-being, confidence, your career, your relationships, your style, your finances and many more.
I am a huge advocate of self-development and becoming our best selves, I truly believe self-development is something that can help us to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. So here are 9 tips and things that I recommend if you are new to self development:
Ditch the “motivational speakers”
Motivational Speakers are not self development, they are designed to motivate you. We all know motivation is temporary. So steer away from them for now and focus on those who are teaching self development practices.
Start a journaling practice
Journaling will allow you to understand yourself more, express yourself and document your self development journey. If you’re unsure where to start check out my last blog all about Journal Tips for Beginners which is supported with a Podcast Episode if you require further insight.
Read self development books
Self development is such a broad term, and there are so many different elements to it, so books will allow you to learn about it from both a broad perspective or a more refined perspective. If you’re looking to improve your productivity, morning routines, discover your purpose, spirituality, self love or confidence, there are books out there for EVERYTHING. You can find some of my favourite non-fiction reads here.
Curate your social media
Social media can be really influencing your mindset, and if you’re wanting to work on developing your mindset and thoughts, do not limit yourself by consuming the same content you used to. Establish the kind of content you wish to consume and follow creators that share this content. Feel free to unfollow or mute pages/people that no longer support your goals and mindset.
Meditation was one of the most powerful things I discovered at the beginning of my journey, and I didn’t do it in the conventional way where you sit down and close your eyes. Instead I played calming meditation music when I woke up which put my mind into a state of peace instead of fight or flight, I then continued listening to that playlist on morning walks to keep me in this state. If you want to take things a step further, you can select playlists that suit your goals and needs (it’s also important you like the voice of the meditation if you opt for guided ones), short list them so they are ready and available. Some of my favourite meditations are 2-5 minutes long, you do not need to strive towards 30 minutes of meditation. If you need more meditation tips, you can find them on Episode 37 of The Real & Raw Podcast.
Develop a morning and evening routine or menu
Having a morning and evening routine (regardless of how long) is incredibly beneficial for allocating time for your self development practices (whether reading, journaling or meditation). This is a pocket of time at the start and/or end of your day that is designed for you and your mind. If you have multiple things you’d like to complete but limited on time, I would create a morning and evening routine ‘menu’ which is a list of all the things you like to do in the morning or evening, and then cherry picking the ones you need on that day based on how much time you have or how you want to feel.
Working with a life coach
It’s a complete myth that you need to be self developed to work with a life coach, in fact it’s more likely to be the opposite. If you are a complete beginner to self development, a life coach can help to guide you through this journey, it is someone who has a non-bias approach with only your best interest at heart. They will not only teach and provide you with the tools required to help you to achieve your goals, but they’ll be able to help you with specific examples in your life. If you’d like to find out more information on my life coaching services you can do so by visiting https://www.thisisrealandraw.com/lifestyle-wellness-corporate-coaching or listen to Episode 36 of The Real & Raw Podcast
Listen to podcasts
Podcasts are a great way of helping you to develop your thoughts, learn more about self development or challenge your existing belief systems. You can find over 60 episodes on The Real and Raw Podcast that will help and support you in your journey!
Self Care
We’ve probably all heard the term ‘self-care’ but what does that mean and how do you fit it into your life. Self-care isn’t just bubble baths and face masks, it’s also setting boundaries, it’s turning your phone off, it’s making yourself your favourite meal, it’s taking a nap, it’s going for a workout, it’s getting an early night, its anything that involves taking better care of yourself because you deserve to feel good and cared for.
If you need further tips and information on self development for beginners, check out Episode 24 of The Real & Raw Podcast